Gallery 2 - A Pilot's View   >   Aerial Landscapes   >   Florida Coast

We flew along the Eastern Florida coast in the spring of 2012. Here we were arriving back from the Bahamas and flying north toward home. The beaches are very populated and crowded with vacation getaways.

You can see the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway that separates the rough Atlantic ocean from the mainland and gives boaters a safer way to travel. The waterway runs for 1000's of miles along the coast.

Some parts of the waterway are very wide like here near Coco Beach, Florida. On this day, the Atlantic surf was quite rough.

With the help of a 200mm telephoto lens, this was as close as we could get to the NASA shuttle launchpad and vehicle assembly building. The image didn't turn out too badly, considering the turbulance and hazy fire smoke in the area at the time.

This shot was taken when we first left the US mainland for the Bahamas. This was the first time we flew over open sea. It was a little strange at first but we got used to it quickly. We rented life vests in West Palm Beach and off we went. Click here to see photos of the Bahamass.